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Visual Optics Group

New member joins the WobblingPWr team

Data: 01.10.2022

#WobbingPWr team presents a new member: Milad Salimibani, PhD.

Milad obtained MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2015 at Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) in Tehran, Iran.
In March 2021 he obtained PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering-Biomechanics at Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) in Tehran. His doctoral thesis was entitled: "Study on the effects of nanoparticle’s concentration and injection velocity on hyperthermia’s process".
His area of expertise is finite element modelling (FEM) and simulations of biological systems and biological tissues and processes, including fluid-structure interaction (FSI).

So far he authored 27 research papers and contributed to 7 conferrence presentations.

 Milad, we are happy to meet you at #WobblingPWr team!

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